Baby Troyer #2

 BabyFetus Ticker

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Loincloth Manifesto

Summer is dead! Long live the fall!
The collective sigh of relief you hear all around you is simply nature grabbing a lawn chair, kicking back with a pumpkin spice latte, and chilling with it's bad self.
It is also really really excited to watch football.
And for everyone to go back to school(sorry Emily:)).
Tis true,
Tis true,
Summer is gone.
We had to let it go to make room for another.
Sorry June. It's not you, it's us. We're just going in different directions.
Bye-Bye July. We'll always have the memories...the that thing, with the guy and the cookie, wait, that was a dream i had...huh.
Fare thee well, August. You always try so hard to become part of autumn.
Your names are so similar, and just wouldn't be fair. What would I tell the others? It would only create jealousy and infighting, the likes of which we haven't seen since King David took a walk on his rooftop(you see what I did there, bible study? Believe.)
So there you go summer. You are out on your tushy. But it was not without ceremony...
The troyer's said goodbye with a jungle-themed dinner party. Those present were treated to many sights(Aiden in a loin cloth), sounds(the jungle cry of his father, trying to scare the poop out of his nephew and niece), and not least of all tastes(two words for you...BAKED...ALASKA...mmmm.)
mmmm is not a word smarty pantses.
If you haven't had it before, allow me to describe:
Imagine monkey brains.
Now imagine that the monkey has a lemon meringue skull.
Now imagine inside his(or her) skull is filled not with blood and grey matter, but sponge cake, ice cream, and crushed cookie crumbs.
There you have it.
The worst way to entice you to eat baked alaska.
But seriously.
Do it.
Also, if you have a baby...
and a loin cloth...
Do it.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Aidens is 3 Months!

It's official Aiden is 3 months old! It's going by so fast..we are amazed everyday that he is here and he is ours...he is doing new things everyday!
He now is over 11lbs and 23 inches long, he can hold his head up all by himself..he is still a little wobbly but not much. He can push himself up on his arms and hold his head up while doing tummy time, and he has been rolling over for quite awhile from tummy to back, and he is sleeping in his own room in his crib. He loves to stand up while we hold his hands of course:) He loves to talk, smile, he's quite a giggler and he loves people. He already has a favorite toy...Octavius the octupus, and when we read books he likes to look at us and then the picture and back. :) He has been on a pretty good 3hr schedule since month 1 and he has been sleeping through the night since about 6 weeks.
Jeph and I are enjoying every minute with him...we are so excited to share this fall season and everything it holds with him. :) We are so blessed and he was well worth the wait!
Here are some 3 month pics with some of his cousins, and some of him doing tummytime.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

3 Month Update

Well, I had decided to quit blogging once Aiden came, then I was talking to Jeph about wishing I had kept it going and how much I wanted to have a blog, so Jeph and I decided we would write the blog together. :) I am so excited to have another contributor, so we are now a joint effort..I am looking forward to what Jeph will be doing on the blog. :)
Since the last post a lot has happened...Our friends Jeff and Emily had Daniel May 11we had Aiden, born May 17 2009, 7lbs 10oz and totally perfect, Josh and Marcy had Ethan May 23rd...the birth buddies are here!!The whole process of pregnancy/birth went really well and it was really easy to see God's hand in all areas of it, plus we really enjoyed sharing it with our dear friends!
We have been adjusting to new parenthood...On June 15th we left Aiden for 8 hours with Grandma while we went to Lincoln City with some friends, it was such a good time, really hard to leave him but it was ok. On June 21st we said goodbye to our dear friends the was really hard to say goodbye and we miss them alot. In July we celebrated our 7th Anniversary and Aiden hit his 2 month mark along with shots...we also took a 2 1/2 day/2 night Anniversary trip and left Aiden with the Grandmas, it was a good time to reconnect and Aiden did wonderful! We also took Aiden on our church campout trip he was about 2 1/2 months, he did awesome!:)
It's now August and Aiden is 3 months...he is giggling, smiling so much, has a very expressive face, he is rolling over, loving tummy time. He is a great nap taker, he sleeps 8+ hours a night and is now sleeping in his own room. Football season and fall are fast approaching(our favorite time of year) and things are about to get super crazy busy but so enjoyable and we are really looking forward to the upcoming seasons, and changes in our lives.
Crazy busy is right! We have football to watch, teams/players to make fun of, Mexico trip to plan, houses to build(finally!), bad habits to teach my son(and naturally, how to get out of trouble for doing it),places to travel(Kansas!Seattle!Fred Meyers!)
,and round and round and round we go...
I'm genuinely excited for this fall and winter. With so much happening, I know time is going to fly, but that just means we're having fun. Aiden is one reason I'm excited; fall is our favorite time of year and now we get to share it with our son. He's going to his first baseball game next month. Mariners vs. Yankees. He won't know why we hate the yankees, but he'll sense the vibe. Oh, yes. He will. He will also go to his first OSU football games, dressed up in the finest orange and black onesies he has. Don't worry Justin and Courtney, we'll take lots of pictures. That reminds me of the other reason I'm excited for these seasons. In the last couple of years we have met some outstanding people and made some very cool friends. It's true that we've had to say goodbye to some of the finest people on the planet(you know who you are), but it looks like we have a lot to be thankful for in the friends dept. Can't wait to have some guy's nights, some football parties, bible studies, worship practices, game nights, so and so, such and such. Life is good. Even though it's stressful at times, (when we're uncomfortable we grow) I'm appreciating the craziness for what it is. It's just life. Here's some pics!