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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

2nd Trimester

It's official!!! We are in the 2nd trimester, in fact as of friday we are in our 16th week!!! I am feeling better overall, I still have a few yucky days here and there but mostly they are ok and even good. :)
In fact last night Jeph and I were watching the office, laying in bed and I felt something moving around like a was amazing! I am hoping that the baby movements get stronger and stronger so I can feel the baby more often and Jeph can feel it too! :)
So as for the 2nd trimester things are pretty good...I'm attending MOPS now, I have been working on my scrapbook, and making nursery plans/name choices. I am enjoying it a lot more now and I can't wait till Christmas, we are on the gender countdown..a little over 30 days till we know, boy or girl?!!
I'll post my first pregnant pic later this week...stay tuned, I'm not sure I look pregnant yet but for sure more then the last few weeks. :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Just a Thought

Pro-Life...Pro-Choice everybody has an opinion, everybody has a judgement thats ok we live in a free country and thats our right. I have to wonder why because I voted for Obama my Christian values are being questioned...I want to make it clear that although I voted for Obama it's because of his policies, all the issues that plague the US and the world he had the best plan for, not to mention he is a calm guy, he is not war hungry or just thinking about the US, he is also thinking globally.
Even though I did vote for Obama I still don't agree with his pro-choice or gay marriage but I also don't think that one president can change every law...California just voted on proposition 8 to legalize gay marriage and it didn't pass in a very liberal state.
When it comes to my vote...if and when the time comes to vote prolife/prochoice or legalize gay marriage, I will always vote prolife and no gay marriage. But I have to wonder about all the people so quick to question Obama for being pro choice and thats all your looking for in a preident??? Look at Bush he's prolife when it comes to abortion but when it comes to his own oil agenda his prochoice...prochoice to kill innocent people in Iraq! McCain is no better...he's a hot head with a war hungry agenda as although it's great he is prolife when it comes to abortion...what about all the people being killed in wars???? Did they choose to be killed?? I don't think so.
What about all the poor people in war torn countries???? Does the Bush doctrine give a plan to help them out??? No, it doesn't and he hasn't done anything but continue the war since 2002...thats over 6 years of war debt, soliders/families lives changed, and innocent people killed.
Why can't we focus on other issues that are just as important??? Our countries problems are more then just prochoice/prolife...we need a president who will have a level head when looking at and dealing with all the issues. I've heard from so many people claiming Bush was allowed into office by God, and what a mess we have from that...why wouldn't God allow a president like Obama, giving a new way to do things in this country, extend goodwill and olive branches to other countries, and spark a new life in people that feel forgotten??!!!
It's our job as Christians to live our lives like Christ...I have to say the emails, comments I've received from fellow Christians have been more ungodly then the things I've heard coming from the Democrat camp towards the Republican camp...thats pretty sad.
Are we waiting for the perfect Christian to vote into office??? If we are thats not going to happen. We need to support and pray for our current president and help him clean up the mess Bush(so called Christian) has left behind. So lets leave all judgements to God and try to help get the country back on track...lets not forget that our hope should be in Christ!!!! No matter who is in office we still have to be Christians and treat others the way Christ would want.. that means the poor and unfortunate(the kind of people that Obama has been helping more than anyone), quit putting billions of dollars into a war that is about Bush's own agenda when our economy is suffering so much.

May God Bless America!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day 2008!

I am so glad today is Election Day...finally all the ads will stop, the nasty emails from family who thinks Jeph and I are insane for voting Obama will stop too!!
Can I just say that Jeph and I are serving God with all our hearts and I think it's insane for some family to accuse us of not being Godly with our voting choice. Can I say thats judgemental and totally out of line, only God can judge us and he know our hearts...we love God and are serving God with all our hearts and we prayerfully considered both canditates. Based on policies and all the major issues in this country we believe Obama is the best for the job.
As Americans we have the right to vote for whoever we choose....we also as Christians have the right to vote and not be judged(especially by family/fellow Christians)for who we choose to support. It doesn't matter who we vote for to God, He is looking at our hearts and desires for the future of this country as it pertains to our children.
We should all be able to discuss and even debate politics without judging someones character based on who they are voting for.
For those of you who read this and think that because we are voting for Obama that must mean we support abortion, you are wrong. We will never support abortion, we will always support pro life...but in the grand scheme of everything going on...Jeph and I did not feel that we could vote for McCain just because he is prolife.
Inspite of this election and who wins I think I heard it best on Sunday the real predictions...

10 Predictions,regardless of Who Wins the Election
1. The Bible will still have the answers.
2. Prayer will still work.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8. There will still be room at the Cross. (for each and everyone of us!)
9. Jesus will STILL love you
10. Jesus will still save the lost who come to Him.
God approves this message!