Baby Troyer #2

 BabyFetus Ticker

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

2nd Trimester

It's official!!! We are in the 2nd trimester, in fact as of friday we are in our 16th week!!! I am feeling better overall, I still have a few yucky days here and there but mostly they are ok and even good. :)
In fact last night Jeph and I were watching the office, laying in bed and I felt something moving around like a was amazing! I am hoping that the baby movements get stronger and stronger so I can feel the baby more often and Jeph can feel it too! :)
So as for the 2nd trimester things are pretty good...I'm attending MOPS now, I have been working on my scrapbook, and making nursery plans/name choices. I am enjoying it a lot more now and I can't wait till Christmas, we are on the gender countdown..a little over 30 days till we know, boy or girl?!!
I'll post my first pregnant pic later this week...stay tuned, I'm not sure I look pregnant yet but for sure more then the last few weeks. :)