Baby Troyer #2

 BabyFetus Ticker

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Frump a Dump Girl??

Have I become a frump a dump girl??? No, not me...I would never do that. Or so I thought...since having Aiden, I find I only get presentable when I have to go out somewhere, otherwise I hate wasting the time and effort only to be spit up on.
I hate frump a dump's not me and although it's comfortable it's really quite pitiful. It makes me long for the days of even wearing jeans and a tshirt(without spit up on it). :)
I am determined to remain a frump a dump girl much longer. Even if it's as simply as showering after my morning workout, getting dressed in jeans and a shirt, maybe even a little mascara. :)
Being a frump a dump girl is ok for some people...but it does not make me feel good at all. I am shedding this current frump a dump girl..for a little of the old me but much more of the new me.
I'm getting back to being the fashionable girl I am!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

9 months old!!!

Happy 9months Aiden!!! I feel like I just posted an 8 month, it's going by so fast!!
These last 9 months have been exhausting, amazing, a learning experience, and have challenged Jeph and I both in so many ways!!! We had wanted kids for so long that it is still amazing to us that we are even here...within a few months we are going to be celebrating Aiden's first birthday!! This last 9 months has flown by and he is has grown and changed so much. There have been times of worry for sure but mostly joy and contentment!! We are so blessed to have been given Aiden and we are so thankful for his life!!!
9 months old has brought a lot of fun things...he is pretty much eating 3 meals a day plus snacks, and bottles only really before bed. He is crawling everywhere and into everything..I can't turn my back for a second, he is off and into something. He is really starting to pull up on things and being interested in what's out of his reach, his love for Jett is growing...he gets the giggles every time Jett leaps for the ball, it's so funny!! I have a feeling cruising is not far behind...and although I'm excited for upcoming milestones, I'm in no baby is disappearing so fast.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day!!!

In our house Valentines Day is a pretty special day every year...although I have to say that since Jeph and I are pretty romantic quite often, that Valentines Day is another day of romance and time together!
This year Jephs parents took Aiden Saturday night and he spent the night with them and the whole next day, until about 5pm. So, Jeph and I had dinner alone and watched NCIS season 1 on dvd, and scrapbooked/archived till around 11 or so.
The next day we got up...Jeph made breakfast and we scrapbooked/archived the whole day...we really enjoyed sleeping in, the alone time, and the catch up of one of our shared hobbies!!!
He even sent me on a scavenger hunt around Tillamook...super fun!!! He got me a book with a bookmark he made(I love his homemade bookmarks!), along with some pampering things and chocolate. I got him Blazer tickets(which he has wanted for 2 seasons, and we decided that he should get to go to at least 2 games every season. :)
All in all we had a great time...although I didn't really take any pics, so most of Valentine's Day will be ours!

Hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day too!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Catch up

It's been almost a month since the last blog post...but we have been so busy! Seems like life has been flying by the last few weeks.
Aiden has turned into this busy, busy little guy...I turn away for 2 seconds and he is into something. He is exploring everything above his head, he is pulling up so much all of a sudden and he is so curious about everything!! He is just about 9 months old and getting so big!!! He is such a joy!!!
For Jeph, he's been working so much..not just his job with HIS Construction, but leading worship and bible study. He is really enjoying but feels sometimes like he doesn't know what he is doing. I know he is doing the best he can...I know God will bless him for that...and I can see him blessing our church and bible study as well.
I have had an amazing personal month...from being on the verge of returning to school full-time, things have gone in a totally different direction. We decided that I should put school off until we are done having kids(we only want 2), so we are going to be trying for Baby Troyer #2 this summer...we are very excited about that, I'm feeling so peaceful about the decision.
That's pretty much it in a nut shell...we are enjoying life and working towards some goals...through it all we are experiencing God's grace, love, and mercy.

Here are some pics of what Mr Aiden has been up to!