Baby Troyer #2

 BabyFetus Ticker

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Aiden is 7 Months!

Aiden is 7 months old! We cannot believe how fast the time is flying...and now we get to celebrate our first Christmas as a family of three.
He is doing so many things...he is mobile for the most part. He isn't quite into everything and he isn't full on crawling, but he can move where he wants usually..he even does this "bear crawl" funny! He loves toys and books more than ever...he oohs/ahhs and books while we read them to him, he even objects when we take things away..especially the remote, phone, or book when it's done. He loves the shower..he opens his mouth and puts up his hands to "catch" the water. He sits up in his crib, and he really seems to want to walk/stand...he tries whenever he can, and loves it if you hold his hands so he can go!
He has become quite the ham...the camera turns on and he is all's really adorable! He still has two bottom tooth buds, just waiting to come in...lately he has been fussier than usual so we think those teeth maybe just about to pop through.
He had a cold this week and oh the joys of a sick baby:( So glad that's over!
Jeph and I are just enjoying this stage with him and we love watching him interact with others..he is such a people person! We are looking forward to Christmas with our big boy!