Baby Troyer #2

 BabyFetus Ticker

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I can't believe that Aiden is almost 1...he is such an amazing gift from God!!! I didn't really understand "God's timing" until our pregnancy in 2008...from the moment we found out we were pregnant, God blessed us in every way imaginable and more. My fears about miscarriage, pregnancy and birth were all taken away by God and He showed me how big and wonderful He really is. Jeph and I are both so thankful for his grace and mercy, but most importantly His blessings and love for us.
I can look back now and see how much God's timing was truly the best for us and I am focusing on "God's timing" through the next chapter in our #2, house, and many other things.
I see God's love everyday through my friends, husband, Aiden, and family...even on the tough and exhausting days, I know I'm in the right place and on the right path, and I'm so thankful for this life God has given me.
In fact, one of my goals is to pray more and worry less...and not to be consumed by the things of this world..politics, fear, things etc. I know who I am in Christ and I love Him with all my heart.

Thank you God for this gift of Aiden, he is so precious and I feel honored to be chosen to be his mommy.