Baby Troyer #2

 BabyFetus Ticker

Friday, December 26, 2008

It's a Boy!!

Jeph and I received the best Christmas present ever...on Christmas Eve we got to see our baby and we got to find out that everything is perfect/healthy!!! Praise God!!!
We had the tech write down what the baby is and we went to Freddies and picked out a boy and girl outfit then we had the cashier wrap the right gender. We were so excited we couldn't contain ourselves!!!:)
On Christmas morning we opened the baby present...and found out much to our surprise that we are having a boy!!!!!!!
Yes, a precious little man!!! We are both so excited and feel so blessed to not only have a healthy baby and mama but to have our first child be a son!!!
It made the whole season that much more magical for us and made the ultrasound and pictures from it so much more precious. I'm feeling so connected to him and Jeph is just elated at getting a boy. I always thought that I wanted a girl first but as soon as I found out it was a boy I fell so head over heels for him and I feel honored that God would give me a little man to raise. Boys are so different from what I know but I am so excited to get into the trucks, dirt, matter what other children God gives me, this is going to be my first. The tremendous love and connection I feel for him already is overwhelming! I feel so blessed and I thank God for this precious gift of a son! Our little Aiden Anthony Troyer is already so loved and we can't wait to meet him!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Lights

We have gone all out for Christmas...we have our tree up and the house is decorated in lights. Here are a few pics we took of our holiday inspiration.

Monday, December 8, 2008

16 Days and Counting....

It's 16 days away...Christmas!! :) It's not just Christmas it's the day we finally find out if this baby is a boy or girl!! We are dying to know what this baby is, and we want to call it by it's name and finally decorate the nursery. :) We have names picked out and are so ready to be half way done and finally able to know what this little munchkin is. :)
We've had our house decorated for a over a week and we are finishing up Christmas shopping on Saturday...then the holiday festivities really get under way we have Christmas Cantata and dinner at the Nazarene church on Sunday evening, Young Marrieds Biblestudy Christmas Pary on the 19th, Zoolights on the 20th,Netarts Christmas Service on the 21st at 10am, the Nazarene Candlelight Service that evening...
Then on December 22nd we go and have our big 20 week ultrasound, and then we have our Christmas Eve time with my side of the family, Candlelight Service that evening, and then Christmas Day we find out what our baby is and then Troyer Celebration and more.
It's a busy, wonderful time of year...and we are on the countdown to the big day!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Holiday Season Has Begun!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!This year despite some family drama, Jeph and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! We spent Thanksgiving Day watching the parade in the morning, off to Scott and Jessicas for Troyer family Thanksgiving. We had dinner, played games/Wii, and just spent the day/evening together. It was fun to all be together. On friday Jeph worked and for the first time in a long time I didn't go Black Friday shopping, I worked on decorating for Christmas, we had dinner at Scott and Jess's again and hung out for a bit. Saturday we spent the morning finishing decorating for Christmas, we had a Thanksgiving dinner with my side of was Yummy!!! :) We went to see the Four Christmases, a nice date night.
Sunday was church(I was home with morning sickness), then we were off to Portland to visit with Wendy and Grandma Alice, we had leftovers for lunch and played Cities Knights..then it was off the Singing Christmas Tree...Jeph and I really enjoyed ourselves being together, kicking off our last holiday season without kids and being in downtown.
All in all, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving feels like Christmas is on it's way. We are so looking forward to all the holiday events we have planned!
Happy Holidays!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

2nd Trimester

It's official!!! We are in the 2nd trimester, in fact as of friday we are in our 16th week!!! I am feeling better overall, I still have a few yucky days here and there but mostly they are ok and even good. :)
In fact last night Jeph and I were watching the office, laying in bed and I felt something moving around like a was amazing! I am hoping that the baby movements get stronger and stronger so I can feel the baby more often and Jeph can feel it too! :)
So as for the 2nd trimester things are pretty good...I'm attending MOPS now, I have been working on my scrapbook, and making nursery plans/name choices. I am enjoying it a lot more now and I can't wait till Christmas, we are on the gender countdown..a little over 30 days till we know, boy or girl?!!
I'll post my first pregnant pic later this week...stay tuned, I'm not sure I look pregnant yet but for sure more then the last few weeks. :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Just a Thought

Pro-Life...Pro-Choice everybody has an opinion, everybody has a judgement thats ok we live in a free country and thats our right. I have to wonder why because I voted for Obama my Christian values are being questioned...I want to make it clear that although I voted for Obama it's because of his policies, all the issues that plague the US and the world he had the best plan for, not to mention he is a calm guy, he is not war hungry or just thinking about the US, he is also thinking globally.
Even though I did vote for Obama I still don't agree with his pro-choice or gay marriage but I also don't think that one president can change every law...California just voted on proposition 8 to legalize gay marriage and it didn't pass in a very liberal state.
When it comes to my vote...if and when the time comes to vote prolife/prochoice or legalize gay marriage, I will always vote prolife and no gay marriage. But I have to wonder about all the people so quick to question Obama for being pro choice and thats all your looking for in a preident??? Look at Bush he's prolife when it comes to abortion but when it comes to his own oil agenda his prochoice...prochoice to kill innocent people in Iraq! McCain is no better...he's a hot head with a war hungry agenda as although it's great he is prolife when it comes to abortion...what about all the people being killed in wars???? Did they choose to be killed?? I don't think so.
What about all the poor people in war torn countries???? Does the Bush doctrine give a plan to help them out??? No, it doesn't and he hasn't done anything but continue the war since 2002...thats over 6 years of war debt, soliders/families lives changed, and innocent people killed.
Why can't we focus on other issues that are just as important??? Our countries problems are more then just prochoice/prolife...we need a president who will have a level head when looking at and dealing with all the issues. I've heard from so many people claiming Bush was allowed into office by God, and what a mess we have from that...why wouldn't God allow a president like Obama, giving a new way to do things in this country, extend goodwill and olive branches to other countries, and spark a new life in people that feel forgotten??!!!
It's our job as Christians to live our lives like Christ...I have to say the emails, comments I've received from fellow Christians have been more ungodly then the things I've heard coming from the Democrat camp towards the Republican camp...thats pretty sad.
Are we waiting for the perfect Christian to vote into office??? If we are thats not going to happen. We need to support and pray for our current president and help him clean up the mess Bush(so called Christian) has left behind. So lets leave all judgements to God and try to help get the country back on track...lets not forget that our hope should be in Christ!!!! No matter who is in office we still have to be Christians and treat others the way Christ would want.. that means the poor and unfortunate(the kind of people that Obama has been helping more than anyone), quit putting billions of dollars into a war that is about Bush's own agenda when our economy is suffering so much.

May God Bless America!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day 2008!

I am so glad today is Election Day...finally all the ads will stop, the nasty emails from family who thinks Jeph and I are insane for voting Obama will stop too!!
Can I just say that Jeph and I are serving God with all our hearts and I think it's insane for some family to accuse us of not being Godly with our voting choice. Can I say thats judgemental and totally out of line, only God can judge us and he know our hearts...we love God and are serving God with all our hearts and we prayerfully considered both canditates. Based on policies and all the major issues in this country we believe Obama is the best for the job.
As Americans we have the right to vote for whoever we choose....we also as Christians have the right to vote and not be judged(especially by family/fellow Christians)for who we choose to support. It doesn't matter who we vote for to God, He is looking at our hearts and desires for the future of this country as it pertains to our children.
We should all be able to discuss and even debate politics without judging someones character based on who they are voting for.
For those of you who read this and think that because we are voting for Obama that must mean we support abortion, you are wrong. We will never support abortion, we will always support pro life...but in the grand scheme of everything going on...Jeph and I did not feel that we could vote for McCain just because he is prolife.
Inspite of this election and who wins I think I heard it best on Sunday the real predictions...

10 Predictions,regardless of Who Wins the Election
1. The Bible will still have the answers.
2. Prayer will still work.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8. There will still be room at the Cross. (for each and everyone of us!)
9. Jesus will STILL love you
10. Jesus will still save the lost who come to Him.
God approves this message!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Fabulous Friday!!

It's Friday and I've had one of the best days in my life! I felt good enough to go to biblestudy(it's been a long time), I got to go tricker treating with my niece Jaden and nephew Royce, I got to have lunch at La Tea Da with a bunch of great friends and I got my haircut(I love it!)...Wow!!! This day has been amazing, one of the best!!!! :) I feel so happy and content, life is so good and God is so good to me. (I'll post hair pics shortly)
I hope this friday keeps getting better and better...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

7 years ago today...Jeph proposed.

Today is October 29th...7 years ago tonight Jeph sent me on a scavenger hunt to end up at one of our favorite places a balcony with a view of the bay. He had it all lit up with white lights and covered in rose petls, he was playing our song "The Luckiest" and he got down on one knee, he had this big, romantic speel/with card that he said and he took out the ring and asked if I would spend the rest of my life with was so sweet, perfect, and romantic. :) Of course I said yes and 9 months later we got married 07/06/02.
Happy Anniversary babe...I love you so much!!!:)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Baby Troyer Ultrasound Pics!

So we have our first pics of our baby!!! We are 11 weeks and 1 day, the doctor said everything went well for our appointment and everything looks good and healthy. :)
Such a relief and an answer to prayer.
It was great the baby was moving around like crazy(hard to believe I can't feel it yet). It even turned around and looked at us and waved! It was so precious!
Now we are two months away from founding out the this idea we've had for 3 years we finally get to do...we will have the doctor write down what the baby is and we will go to the store and pick out a boy/girl outfit, have the cashier put the correct outfit in a giftbox and we will take it home and open it Christmas morning.
After seeing this little baby just made me feel so calm, at peace, full of joy, and thankfulness for God and His precious gift to us. We actually get to do all the things we said we'd always do. It makes me feel so blessed, and just happy! We have a 16 week appt the monday before Thanksgiving and on december 22 we get to find out the sex(well three days later). :)
So here are our first pics of our little sweetpea, we are so in love and so happy...God is so good!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

In need of prayer

This morning I woke up and was getting for a babysitting job and the day....I started having some cramps and some bleeding. I started to freak put it mildly.
I called the doctor and they told me to relax and rest for the I'm lying in bed and relaxing, well actually stressing. I feel so worried about everything, we prayed that God would only allow us to get pregnant if it was the right time. Health issues, complications anything...that it would only happen if everything would work out ok.
Now here I am stressing, having some cramps and spotting stuck in bed worrying.

*Please God help me relax, protect my baby and me...please help me to trust you and not be afraid. Please give me my baby, I really want it and I really need you to help me, I'm afraid if I lose it I won't be ok. So much has been ripped away from me I can't have this happen to my baby too. Please, please have my appt tomorrow to go so well and give me some peace.
1 Peter 5:7

Thursday, October 9, 2008

We are having a Baby!!!

Jeph and I are having a baby!!!!!!!! Here are some pics from the day we found out...we are so excited and can't believe God is blessing us with this wonderful part of life! We already had our first appointment and they said everything looks good so far. We have our first ultrasound appointment in two weeks and we are both getting more and more excited!!
We have a nursery plan for each sex so once we find out at Christmas what the baby is..we can get started. :) We have a list of projects to finish in the next few months but we are so excited it doesn't matter that we have things to do. :)
We are just so happy right now and feel so blessed by God that we can hardly contain ourselves! Check back often for Baby Troyer updates!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall Favorites

Fall is my favorite time of year, actually it's Jephs too! We love everything about Fall!!!! I just had to post about fact over the next couple months everything I post about will have to do with Fall. So whether you like Fall or not I hope by the end of this wondeful Fall season you will love Fall too!

Things I love about Fall:

Football...Seahawks and Beavers!
Weather...crisp chill, rain, storms basically all weather.
Food...whether it's soup/stew, hot chocolate, pie, casseroles, and we can't forget the holiday food.
Beverages at Starbucks...caramel apple cider,pumpkin spice latte,peppermint mocha
Fall Decor...I just love scarecrows, pumpkins, serveware is fall like leaf plates, and apple shaped bowl.
Clothes and Shoes: Boots, tights, hats, sweaters, wraps, pants, jeans, scarves, gloves, name it fall clothes rock!
Fall is the beginnng of harvest parties where we carve pumpkins, holidays are right around the corner...Fall puts a spring in my step and makes me feel alive. Nothing beats Fall and I am so thankful God gave us this magical time of year. I hope you enjoy Fall too! :)

Beach Pics

On Sunday Jeph and I got to go down to Pelican Pub and celebrate my Uncle Jims 50th birthday! We spent the afternoon in Lincoln City we dropped stuff off at Goodwill, we stopped at the craft store and picked up some things. Then we headed to Cape Kiwanda a little early..we spent an hour at the beach and took some great beach photos for our beach bathroom. It was so warm and sunny we just enjoyed ourselves so much. :) Here are some photos from our wonderful Sunday afternoon...a much needed time to relax and be top it off we got to have a wonderful dinner with family!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

An Update

So it's been awhile since I've blogged. I guess I was discouraged and just trying to focus on so many other things. :)Now summer is over and fall is here so our lives just keep getting busier but honestly better then they have been in so long. I'm really seeing God's faithfulness and direction in our lives and feeling content. Last month our summer ended with a huge trip down to a Stanford/OSU Beaver game in Palo Alto California...we also got to go down to Santa Cruz and the boardwalk, see family and friends and just get away. Here are some pics from Summers end for us...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Football Preseason is Here!!!!

Finally...after many long months of everything but football...tonight the first preseason game is officially on!!! :) It's such a relief for Jeph and I...we are so excited to finally have football back on!!!! As you know we are crazy for our Seahawks and Oregon State Beavers!! My dad has season tickets to the Beavers and has given us a ticket to every game we want!! Seahawks we have shared season tickets with my uncle Jim for the last few years. This year we put in for our own season tickets(so by next year) we should have them...we still intend to attend 3 games in Seattle this year we just can't ever live without it now!!:)

So tonight we are watching Sunday Night Football...eating dinner and finally feeling like it's time for fall and football!!!

Bring it on!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008


Well, Jeph and I have decided to get cats. They are 5 month old brothers with the best personalities. They are so sweet...we had a visit at our house last week and they were awesome!:) I can't wait!! By the end of July we will have 2 indoor cats..I'm actually excited to have cats and I hope that they will help me relax!
Here are some pics of Beowulf and Sebastian!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!

6 years ago fourth of July weekend on the 6th I married my best friend and soul mate Jeph in a nighttime church wedding. There were lots of white candles, roses, friends and family...most of all it's the day Jeph and I began our life together. We've been through so much since we got together 7 years ago...but it's all been worth it every bit. If I could do it all over again I would in a heartbeat. It's been an amazing journey and I know we will continue to grow together and continue this journey. Only God knows what is in store for us but I'm excited to see God's plan for us!

Thanks honey for being an amazing husband! Although your not strive to be the best man of God you can be and you are leading our family in God's ways. You are the best husband in the world and I know someday you will make an amazing father! I love you babe!! Lets always go from here....Because God led me to you we now are becoming who God wants us to be. I will always love you! Thanks for your continuing romanticness, love, support, kindness, willingness to always try, thoughtfulness. You always try to serve God the best you can and you attack life with amazing zest/devotion...thanks for being who you are!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Women of Faith Weekend!

So my sister in laws, mom in law have a tradition(this is the 2nd year)...we go one weekend in the summer to Seattle Washington for Women of Faith! It's a wonderful time...this year we were missing one sister Sarah :( but the rest of us were there and it was the best Women of Faith yet!
We stayed in a hotel in downtown Seattle, we volunteered one day which was so fun to be behind the scenes doing what we can do to help, we went shopping, we went out to dinner, we rode the was just great! To top it all off God really was so present the whole everyway. I feel so relaxed, rejuevenated, at peace and I know God is real and He is alive!!!!

Here are some pics from the trip! Enjoy!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

More Decorating Pics!

These pics are my's done all except a few candles and closet doorknob.
This is my new king size cotton/velvet it and 700TC sheets!!!! Bed is one of my favorite places..hope you enjoy the pics!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Decorating Pics

Here are some of my decorating project pics! I have a whole bunch more pics to come stay tuned!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Decorating/Landscaping Craziness

Well, my husband and I are in full finish decorating mode. We want our house and landscaping to be done so we can maintain and just have a fun relaxing summer. :)
So, we have been so busy and quite frankly exhausted! Things are looking great!

We have undertaken the yard...we pretty much redid the whole thing. Retaining walls, rip out old grass, plant new grass, we poored cement steps and are planning to do exposed rock in the center. We still have to pour a cement path and stamp it, as well as build an arbor and add path liners and bark dust. We also are trying to freshen up the front door/lighting fixtures/posts and add some hanging baskets, plants, and a welcome sign. We recently decided our dog Jett(see pics below) deserves a kennel so we are trying to get that done next. :)

As for the inside we have the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, office done. We are trying to finish the diningroom/living room. Which is taking the longest. I'm please to say Jeph has finished the hutch doors and giant entertainment center for our big screen. The last big projects!!! We are hoping to have all the little projects done in the next two weeks. By July 1 we hope to have our new leather couches/dining chairs/barstools.

As you can see we are crazy busy and have been decorating/landscaping fools! I can't find my digital camera or film for my big camera...but I will post pics soon!!!!:)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Meme...thanks Abbie!!! here I go. I'm going to attempt this Meme thing!

*neutrogena lipgloss
*excedrin tension headache

*Leona Lewis
*Pirates Cove(awesome game!!)
*My husband!!!;)

*my amazing bed that I'm totally in love with!
*silk/down bedding in black and white print!
*lots of candles
*tons of romantic pics of me and my hubby
*hope chest that Jeph made me

*visit tuscany
*have kids(hopefully soon)
*a week long trip to the San Juan Islands(which I'm doing for my 6th anniversary)
*build my own house(someday)
*have total health

*Krista...I'm sure you would have good answers
* are a good meme kind of person!
*Tiffany..I just want to know you better.
*Anyone from Myspace that reads my blog..I'd love to see this as a Myspace
* need to do a Meme!

Busy, busy...and projects!

So things have been really busy at my house. My husband and I have been landscaping..which has really taken over our lives. Plus, we decided since we aren't pregnant yet we would decorate and finish the house. This has also turned into quite the project and I cannot wait to be done. By June 8 we will be completely done except our new leather couches/recliner, and dining room chairs. I'm so excited!!:)I am planning to be done with the furniture aspect no later then the end of July. Just in time for pre season football and fall! I posted a pic of the clock we made...I will post more house pics soon!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The thoughts that plague me...

Why on earth can I feel good about life and be trusting God...basically be having a productive, good attitude, and all around good week. Then I get my period and the world is crumbling around me. I don't see any hope or end in sight to my pain. I tell Jeph no pregnancy this month either...I feel like I'm killing his spirit.
He puts on a brave face and tells me it's ok, it will happen, God's in control..pretty much he says and does all the right things. I can feel his pain. We love our nieces/nephews, friends kids so much and we do our best not to let our pain stay connected and involved but afterwards we always feel sad we don't have our own kids, and we feel a deep, intense, pain that is around us everyday whether out in front or hidden away. I dont' understand, we don't understand...We know God's character to not give us this desire and rip it away. We don't know His timing...and are beginning to wonder if kids will happen for us. We are starting our 6th month of trying and I need prayer, support to get through this difficult phase(please God let this only be a short phase).
As Mothers Day approaches I am hurting more and more then ever before. The partial nursery is becoming a black hole in my house. I keep the door shut most of the time for fear I'll freak out and ball. I love to celebrate my mom(s) on Mothers Day every year in a special way..but this year especially I feel like I'm going to go insane with complete pain, emotional distress.
I need a huge relief, a huge healing, a huge act of grace to change my world out look right now. I need some serious motivation for so many things: house projects, busy schedule(just about to much), time/desire to exercise, the dedication to maintaining relationships(staying out of the black hole of depression.)
If these are the last few months of no kids for me...I want to spend them in a good mood, with a joyful and content heart, and a deeper understanding of myself, God, His purpose in my life, and stronger relationships.
Why? maybe thats not the best question...maybe it should be When? These things will happen and I have to get off the sidelines and be an active player. So although when is up to God...I have to be in the game whole heartedly doing my best in everything.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

An Attitude Change

Well, I have realized something...My circumstances are not changing and I'm in desperate need of help, Gods help. Nothing is going to change until my attitude changes and I quit being angry and resentful. It's time I trust God and take back my joy!
How on earth can I do that? I've been asking myself that for awhile....I've finally heard how from the great Beth Moore and her weekly morning talkshow. Praise God!!!!
Yes, it's true..Praising God is the best form of prayer...and in praising God it will change my attitude which will change my thoughts and feelings.
I believe God has brought me to this realization for a reason. It's time to quit stressing about us not being pregnant and everyone else being pregnant/having kids. God has given Jeph and I a desire for kids for a reason...and he has given us many signs...including scripture that say we will have a family of our own, soon. Jeph believes this with his whole heart. Whereas, I don't...but I think it's important that I believe it with my whole heart and trust "God is willing and able to do what he has promised. Rom 4:21"
With an attitude change and joy who knows what God will do. I want to see what living life again will feel like, I'm sure it's better then what I've been living with this last year.

*God I'm giving to you my life and every aspect. I've seen what you can do to relationships ie: my dad...truly amazing and wonderful! My husband, the best in the friends, the greatest group of young marrieds/girlfriends that I can talk to/do anything with, real friends. Finances...tithing, such a release in trusting God. So knowing how amazing you are God in so many areas how can I not trust you with my health(restoring)and having 3 kids of our own?!! I will now!!! I choose to really let go and let you God be in control. Thank you for your patience, grace, love, and thank you for all the things you've done and all things your going to do!
I love you! I will serve you all the days of my life to the best of my ability.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mini family reunion

So last week Jeph and I went on a road trip with my mom, stepdad Paul, Ethan(my nephew), Krista(my sister), Sam(her hubby), and Miss J(my niece). It was good! We took 2 cars down and it was really fun. We stayed in K Falls one night...Sam, Krista, Miss J, Jeph, and I shared a 2 bedroom suite we all had a great dinner together and then the four of us watched Spiderman 3 and hung out.
The next day we got to Reno and went out to Verdi to visit with my uncle Les, aunt Kitty, and four cousins. We all hung out and enjoyed each others company. :)
The next day we went out to Carson City to a museum, it was really amazing to see the history of Nevada. We even got to go in a Ghost Town/Gold mine...really fun!
That afternoon Sam, Krista, Jeph, and I all went miniature golfing...the funny thing is it's the first place my dad had taken my mom on their first date. We had a good time! I love mini golf! That night we all went to my Grandpa and Grandmas house to hang out and then we all went out to dinner. Later that night...Jeph and Sam played pool and Krista and I watched "Why Did I Get Married." It was a fun time!
The next day we spent all day with Grandpa, Grandma, aunt Claire, Gabriella, Will, and the rest of us we even took family pictures and then we went to Cabellas the largest Cabellas I have ever seen. It had a huge fish tank(fresh/salt), and a huge safari scene. We had an amazing lunch and spent more time together.
Later that day we left for the dad picked Jeph, Ethan, and I up at the airport we had tacos for dinner and played together.
I had a really good time with my family and I will miss them. I look forward to another family trip soon, maybe September?!!!
Just remember to enjoy all the time with your family you never know.

Thursday, April 24, 2008 baby!

This is my furry baby! Jett is our 6 1/2 year old black lab/shelty mix who we brought home from my uncle Jim and aunt Jens house when we moved back to the coast 3 years ago. He is our big baby...our only child right now. He loves the beach, chasing tennis balls, treats, taking walks, and anything that means we are paying attention to him. I'm glad we have had a chance to have just him before kids, it means that for sure he will be mellowed out even more by the time we have kids for him to play with. :) It's really fun whenever our nieces and nephews come over and play with Jett, he's a real showoff. :) I love my big black furry baby and I wanted to give him a special blog just for himself.

Enjoy the pics of my precious!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Seattle Trip with Alex!

So in mom in law took Alex(our exchange student from Germany), me and Janessa(sis in law) to Seattle for a weekend. We stayed in downtown, we went to Pikes Place and went shopping, we had dinner at the Space Needle, we went shopping at a great outdoor mall, we even went on an underground tour of Seattle. We had so much are some pics from our amazing time!!

For my few readers computer has been at the computer doctor so I will have quite a few catch up blogs this next week. Hope you enjoy reading all the stuff that has happened in the last 2 months. :)